Whether you operate a small company with only a few workers or a large company with many access points you want to be just as concerned about access control and who’s coming in and out of your business. Some of the work we cover for businesses are Key Control and Master Keys Systems, Access Control, Door Work (Wood and Metal), Closer Installations, Lock Replacement and Installation, Electric Strikes, Timer Units, Panic Bars and many more. One of the most important things for a business to think about is Key Control and what that means is knowing how many keys you have, knowing who has access to what and making sure it is keyed up to a Master System so those who need to get all around can do so. What we do is make up a series of combinations that allow certain keys to work only where they need to so you never have to worry if someone without access to a certain location would be able to gain access to it. We also number our keys so when they are being handed out you can know who is responsible for each specific key.
If keys aren’t something you would like to deal with, we also provide Card Access Readers that allow you to electronically monitor which cards can open which doors and deactivate any cards that are missing or belonging to someone who no longer has access to locations they once did. Making sure your access control is up to date allows for companies to be secure and operate smoothly due to the worry of unauthorized access being removed from the equation.
Another common issue businesses can face is their main points of entry becoming difficult or completely unusable to the public do to door issues. Typical issues include doors rubbing against the frame or the hinges causing the door to drop, closers leaking oil and becoming ineffective making gusts of wind possible to damage your door and thresholds that are worn from the weather and salt from winter. There are more issues that can cause problems to main doors but those are among the top suspects to look out for and require our services to correct before any more damage is done to the door or frame. You never want to wait too long to fix door issues as they can add up and cause more of an issue down the line.